Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family is a beautiful thing to have.... specially in galge games

So this is my 2nd game that i have played it took me days to finish it. so let's get to the story of the game

Oh my **** is that a maid cafe shop!
oh.. yes yes your balls are gold can you move to the left i cant see the shop

1st. Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~ Tsukasa Sumawara (main character) is a independent person who lost his parents at an early age . he spends his days working at a Chinese restaurant to make a living. while at the
back alley of a chinese restaurant thats when he saw a girl that collapsed in the alley. pityness overwhelms him she takes her in. doing this his independent life changes..... will tsukasa choose the independent life again or will he choose a warm of a family...

Kazoku Keikaku

ohh ok the story introduction is over. the story line is great a lot of sadness feelings, funny moments, tear jerking scenes, deepest love feelings, and of course the pleasurable temptation of human that we will always feel when we love some one. i just let your imagination explain it... =p

tsk my harlem ruined because of that guy >.>
the graphic arts are ok because all the characters really express there emotions and the background pictures are good giving the game developers on this game a thumbs up. but the most best thing in this game are background sounds. they really amplified the scenes seeing all of the emotions really overflow.

It's so nice to have a sister knowing that we are not blood related kukuku ^_-
i recommended this game since a feeling of a family is always special even its not blood-related family still it shows the true essence of a family....

WTH.. damn that man destroying my harlem >.>
my favorite arc: i guess i chose aoba's arc since a lot of emotions are there. she's kinda hard since she's a tough cookie to eat.. lol

oh aoba your so cute when u trying to kill me by your murderous aura...

now on to the next target! I CAN SEE IT.... THE ENDING!

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